Workplace Weapons Policy


In order to ensure a safe environment for employees and customers, our establishment, AEROTRANSCARGO prohibits the wearing, transporting, storage, or presence of firearms or other dangerous weapons in our facilities or on our property including anywhere that company business is conducted, such as customer locations, client locations, trade shows, restaurants, company event venues, and so forth. Any employee in possession of a firearm or other weapon while on our facilities/property or while otherwise fulfilling job responsibilities may face disciplinary action including termination. A client or visitor who violates this policy may be removed from the agreement and reported to police authorities.


To help ensure a safe workplace for all AEROTRANSCARGO employees.



  • Employees are prohibited from carrying or bringing any weapon to their work site or any other location the employee may be required to be during the workday. This prohibition also applies to any employee who is licensed to carry a firearm or weapon.


  • Weapon means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, from which a shot may be discharged including but not limited to pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, bb gun or any knife including switchblade knife, gravity knife, or any knife with a blade longer than 3 inches, or billy, blackjack, bludgeon, metal knuckles, bow and arrow, electronic stunning device, etc.


  • Any employee who is uncertain whether an instrument or device is prohibited under this policy is obligated to request clarification to insure he or she is not in violation of this policy.


  • A violation of this policy is a serious infraction of the work rules and may result in discipline up to and including termination.



Staff personnel will request any visitor found in possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon to remove it from the facility and local law enforcement authorities will be notified promptly.

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