Air carriers that fly air cargo or mail into the EU from a non-EU airport are required to comply with the EU ACC3 programme, standards and security measures implemented to meet the respective current EU regulatory requirements (EU Regulations) when operating Air Cargo or Air Mail into the European Union from a Third Country Airport.
Only air carriers that comply with this programme can be designated as an ‘Air Cargo or Mail Carrier operating into the Union from a Third Country Airport’ (ACC3) and may thus carry cargo or mail into the EU.
ACC3 designation is required for each non-EU airport from which an air carrier flies air cargo or mail to the EU. The same applies for Ground Handling Operators (RA3) or Known Consigner (KC3).

ACC3s must ensure that all cargo and mail is physically screened according to EU standards or comes from an EU aviation security validated secure supply chain.
EU aviation security validation of ACC3’s cargo and mail operations at each departure airport for EU bound flights is mandatory since 1 July 2014.
Definition of the EU Cargo Aviation Security bodies:
ACC3: Air Cargo or Mail Carrier operating into the European Union from a Third Country Airport.
RA3: A RA3 (Third Country EU Aviation Security validated Regulated Agent) is a cargo handling entity located in a third country that is validated and approved as such on the basis of an EU aviation security validation.
A RA3 shall ensure that security controls including screening where applicable have been applied to consignments bound for the European Union and the consignments have been protected from unauthorized interference from the time that those security controls were applied and until the consignments are loaded onto an aircraft or are otherwise handed over to an ACC3 or other RA3.
KC3: A KC3 (Third Country EU Aviation Security validated Known Consignor) is a cargo handling entity located in a third country that is validated and approved as such on the basis of an EU aviation security validation.
A (KC3) shall ensure that security controls have been applied to consignments bound for the European Union and the consignments have been protected from unauthorized interference from the time that those security controls were applied and until transferring to an ACC3 or a third country EU aviation security validated regulated agent (RA3).
(EU Regulations) link: